Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Topic Nine: Attitudes

Attitude is defined as 1) a bodily posture showing mood, action, etc. 2) a manner showing one's feelings or thoughts and 3) one's disposition, opinion, etc. As individuals, we have a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain thing (idea, object, person, situation). Our attitudes encompass, or is closely related to , our opinions and beliefs and are based upon our experiences. Interactions with family, friends, peers, as well as individuals in the workplace require us to regularly examine our attitudes. You may have heard the expression "check your attitude".

Task One: Reading

Click on "Attitudes" and read the poem by Charles Swindoll.

Task Two: Blog Post

1. Take a few minutes to reflect and examine your attitude. Write a paragraph giving an accurate assessment of your attitude. Do you normally react positively or negatively to the situations in your life? Give specific examples.

2. Write a paragraph about the attitude you regular display at your service learning placement or on a job that you currently have. Is that an area you could show some improvement in over the next weeks? Give specific examples.

3. Write a paragraph expressing how the attitudes of others in your life have influenced you.

Task Three:

I. Write a two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal:

  • Does your personality type you discovered today in the survey agree with the type of work you are doing in your internship/service learning?
  • Knowing your personality, do you think you will have any challenges in the career you want to pursue?
  • Discuss any positive experiences you've had in the last week.
  • Discuss any negative experiences you've had in the last week.
  • What do you look forward to in the coming weeks?
  • A picture or visual that relates to your service learning.


Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?

Dennis and Wendy Mannering


djholmes said...

I have pretty a positive attitude. I do not get mad easly or frustrated easly. when I am faced with a commfrentaion I usally go into it with a posative atitude and come out with a good atitude. but i also hold things back and that could lead to me having a negative atitude.

djholmes said...

I ussaly display a posative attitude. But I do get frustrated sometimes. But I can controll myself pretty good so no one knows. And I do not like to impose my problems on other people. The place get frustated the most is at work. So I could try to get along with the people who make me angry more so maybe that will take away some tension.

djholmes said...

Most everyone in my life has had a posative attitude. And thats probally why I have a posative attitude. The biggest influence in my life is my uncle. He has a lot to do with the way i act.