Friday, December 21, 2007

Topic Seven: Creating Your Resume

Creating Your Resume
Often times high school students think they do not need to create a resume. It is common to believe that if you have not held a job in the past, or have not worked fulltime, that you do not have enough qualifications to put on a resume. But this is not true!
Employers are looking for skills and personality types as much as they are seeking out experience, and it is never too early to take inventory of yours!
Task One: Create an inventory of your positive work traits
Write down a list of work and volunteer experiences you have had that equip you in the working world. Even if you have not worked before, you should be comfortable enough with your service learning to have increased your working skills.
Add to that list abilities you possess (such as multi-tasking or typing skills).
Now add to your inventory any academic honors you have received (grades, attendance awards, etc.)
These personal traits are the basic grid for creating your resume.
Task Two:
Log into Microsoft Word. Follow these steps:
1. File, New.
2. Create a document from a template for "resume."
3. Select a style that suits your personality and experience level.
4. Using your curser, highlight the information blocks automatically generated by Microsoft Word.
5. Type your own experience over the highlighted sections.
6. Carefully proofread your resume for consistency, spelling and grammar.
7. Swap files with a partner to peer-edit one another's resumes. Inform your partner of any changes that need to be made, and correct whatever is found on your own edited piece.
8. Keep up with your resume frequently. Update at least two or three times a year to add in new skills and experiences.
9. Apply for positions with confidence!
Task Three:
Blog Response: Answer the following questions in a well-developed paragraph (approximately 8-10 sentences).
What skills do you possess that are unique to you? What experiences in work or the community equip you to follow a career path you would like to pursue? What will you continue to do in your daily life to add valuable skills to your resume?
Alert your advisor when your work is complete.

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