Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Topic Eight: Workplace Safety

Workplace Safety

No matter where you work, there is a responsibility of both employers and employees to make efforts to ensure everyone has a working environment free from hazard. Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 1970 to minimize injuries and fatalities that happen in the workplace. Part of OSHA's along with the rest of the United States Department of Labor's requirements is that employees are aware of their rights as workers. These rights should be posted in every workplace somewhere that is easy to find. You can see the poster displayed for employees at Classic City High School below.

Another poster you may see in your workplace is the pink one above that explains worker's compensation available to those who are hurt on the job. If you ever hurt yourself anywhere you are employed, it is important to record what happened with your supervisor -- no matter how minor it may seem. Some employees hurt themselves on the job, but do not experience pain or discomfort until much later. This is why it is important to report injuries that seem minor at the time.

This week we would like you to consider the workplace you visit for your service learning placement with special attention to safety. Please complete the following tasks:

Task One: What are some of the potential hazards at your service learning placement? This may not be a simple question for some of you who do not work with dangerous machinery or lift heavy objects. This does not mean hazards do not exist. Think hard, and explain the ways that an employee may become injured on the job. Think long and short term. Your response should be a full paragraph.

Task Two: Review OSHA's Safety and Health Topics for a safety issue you might experience at your service learning placement. Once you have searched for a topic, you should have found a few articles relating to your search. Read one. Explain what you learned with 2-3 paragraphs. You might explain how what you learn pertains to you and the other people who share your workplace. If you cannot think of a topic, ask your friendly instructor for help.

Task Three:
I. Write a two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal

* what you've learned about the profession

* what you've learned about working with the people at your placement

* any positive experiences you've had

* any negative experiences you've had

* what you look forward to in the coming weeks

* a picture or visual

II. Give your post an appropriate title.

III. Be sure to proofread your work before publishing your post.

IV. Notify your adviser when you have published your service learning weekly journal blog post.


djholmes said...

Task one: there are not many work hazards where I work. But you can get burned by multiple things at panera. I get burned all the time when fixing the soups but thats because I do not follow what I am supposed to do. I am supposed to where these big rubber gloves but i do not so the soup gets on my latex gloves and burns me. You can also get burned by the coffe maker because people put to much coffee grounds in the cup and the water does not fillter through and whene you go to change it the water spills over on your hand.

marquez said...

There aren't too many hazards that can happen at my job, but there are a few at Publix. For example in the deli department they use sharp knives and the meat slicer is also extremely sharp this object could take your finger off with no problem if you are not careful. They also use this thing that is something like a toaster. This can get up to 300 degrees when it is in use and can easily burn you badly.