Monday, February 4, 2008

Topic 11: Cell Phone Etiquette

Cell Phone Etiquette

Cell phones are marvelous inventions. Many people probably wonder what we ever did without them? They are a daily part of our life at home, at school, and in the work place. Still, they can be a distraction, a hazard when driving, or a rude interuption in the middle of a church service... So, when is it appropriate or inappropriate to use a cell phone? The activity this week will answer these questions and more as we learn about cell phone etiquette.

Task #1 We are going to begin by taking a quick survey. Click here to take a short quiz on cell phone etiquette. At the end of the quiz click on "see results." Well, how did you do? Post a short blog telling about your results.

Task #2 Ok, now let's see what the experts recommend. This activity will be conducted as a class discussion. Here are some rules for cell phone use.

Task #3 As always, write in your journal about your experience and/or thoughts at your service learning site last week. This week you may want to comment on your supervisor. Does she or he give instructions clearly? Is your supervisor willing to listen and answer your questions. What other qualities in your supervisor do you want to have if, some day, you are a supervisor?


djholmes said...

They said that I had some good cellphone etiquette.Bto leave room for improvment.

Canesha Mathis said...

They said that i have good cell phone etiquette when it comes to using a cell phone

KAREN W. said...
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KAREN W. said...

They said the I have bad Cell phone etiquette and that I have to improve.

Roc said...

im done with this one check me out

Anonymous said...

They said that I know proper cell phone Etiquette but I dont know when to use them

Rongi Sherrer said...

They said that I know proper cell phone Etiquette but I dont know when to use them

Nisha said...

they said my cellphone etiquette could be worser