Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Topic 4: Identifying Your Learning Style


We all learn in different ways. Most people have a preferred or favorite method of learning new information. In this lesson, you will identify the style of learning that enables you to process information best. Let's get started . . .

Task One: Taking a learning styles inventory - Click on the following Learning Styles Modality Preference Inventory link. Copy the entire document into a new Microsoft Word document that you can save in your "My Documents". Your instructions for how to complete each page are listed below:

Page 1 directions: Read each statement and select the appropriate number response as it applies to you. If what is being described in the statement is true for you "often", write "3" beside that statement. If what is being described in the statement is true for you "sometimes", write "2" beside that statement. If what is being described in the statement is true for you "seldom or never", write "1" beside that statement. You should have a number beside each statement. Choose a best response and do not leave any blank spaces.

Task Two: Identifying which type of learner you are and the way you learn best.

Page 2 directions: Read each of the profile descriptions of the three types of learners. After reading each, identify which one describes the way you learn best. Often people can identify with the decriptions given with more than one type of learner. For this task, please choose the one with the most statements that describes you.

Task Three: Once you have figured out the way you learn best, you will need to learn some strategies to enhance your way of learning.

Page 3 directions: Read the list of suggestions of things you can do in class and/or at home to help you learn and retain information and ultimately be more successful in school that fits the learning style you identified in Task Two.

Task Four: Creating a plan of action to help you learn better.

Page 4 directions: For each of the courses that you are currently enrolled in, make a list of of five actions that you can begin taking on a consistent basis to improve your learning in those courses. Type your list under the heading that fits your learning style. For each action, indicate when you will start taking this action and how often you will perform that specific action. For example, if you are a visual learner currently enrolled in a mathematics course, you may need to begin taking better notes and allowing your teacher to review your notes with you to be sure that you are writing down all of the important information. This action needs to happen every day.

Make sure that you save your completed document in your "My Documents" as "your name Topic 4 Learning Styles Inventory" and place a copy of this document in your advisor's dropbox. Notify your advisor when these task are completed.

Task Five:

Blog Post: Service Learning Weekly Journal.

I. Write a two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal

* what you've learned about the profession

* what you've learned about working with the people at your placement

* any positive experiences you've had

* any negative experiences you've had

* what you look forward to in the coming weeks

* how your learning style could be an asset to you in this career

* a picture or visual

II. Give your post an appropriate title.

III. Be sure to proof read your work before publishing your post.

IV. Notify your adviser when you have published your service learning weekly journal blog post.


djholmes said...

MY expireance at work has been ok. I do notreally like the manager at work. They all make me mad at work. I am not the type of person to get mad easly. But I try to just forgive and forget. I like the people who work there though. I get along with all of them. They have not really taught me any thing I did not all ready know. EXcept how to cut some of the bread.

spenser said...

i posted it

AnnahServiceLearningBlog said...

I have put my document in your drop box and posted my topic 5 on my blog.