Monday, December 10, 2007

Topic 3 - Study Skills

Topic 3: Study Skills

What if you were told that you could learn more with less effort and get better grades. It's true! And, you don't have to be any smarter. However, you do have to work smarter. Developing good study skills is the key. In your lessons today you will learn how to work smarter not harder by developing your study skills.

Task #1 First, let's take a little inventory of your present study skills. Examine the list of study skills below. Next, choose one or two skills you would like to improve. In a short paragraph, tell which skills you chose and why. Post your response on your blog.

1. Get to class on time -- it takes more of your time to catch up than to keep up. Vital instructions needed for the swift completion of your tasks are often given during the first minutes of class each day. Missing them means extra effort and wasted time.

2. BE PREPARED -- have pen/pencils, paper, pacing guides and assignments handy. Can't get things done if you can't get started or delay starting because you don't know what to do. Worse yet, ever complete a lesson in NovaNet you didn't have to do? Having the pacing guide handy can save you a lot of time and effort. Work smart; be prepared!

3. Take good Notes -- taking good notes doesn't necessarity mean taking more notes. On the contrary, writing less is usually more effective. Write down only key words. Use abbreviations for long words. Make up a shorthand or code for words (if you send text messages, you already have plenty of practice). You know, "formulas are your friends." Think about it. They are the ultimate shorthand. And, " a diagram is worth a thousands words." Put a date on each page of notes to make organizing them as simple a 1-2-3. As a result, you will be able retrieve facts quicker, cut down on study time, and learn more in less time.

4. Get Started -- it's easy to put things off "until tomorrow," but it's silly to wait three days to do an assignment that could only take you only 30 miniutes to complete. That's working harder not smarter. It's called procrastination. There are a lot of reasons why we procrastinate. Work on this skill. Get into the habit of starting tasks without thinking (and worrying) about them first. The sooner you start, the sooner you finish.

5. Finish - finish whatever you start whenever possible. It is much easier to take a few extra minutes to finish a task than it is to quit and restart. Just rebooting your computer and opening NovaNet can take longer than it would to simply finish a NovaNet lesson or test when you had the chance.

Task #2 Click here to open a website dedicated entirely to improving study skills. Here is a chance to work on improving two skills that most people ususally need to work on -- how to take notes and combating procrastination. You will complete this task in two parts.

Part a. From the main menu, click on the lesson Taking Notes in Class. Read the lesson, take notes, and then list 5 things you can do to take better notes. Post your list.

Part b. Now, go back to the menu and click on the lesson labeled Procrastination. Again, read the lesson, take notes, and then list at least 5 things you yourself are willing to do to control excessive procrastion. Post your list.

When you have completed both Task #1 and #2, notify your advisor that both tasks have been completed.

Task #3 Blog Post: Service Learning Weekly Journal. Continue to write a one or two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal.

* how good study skills can help you at your placement
* what you've learned about the profession
* what you've learned about working with the people at your placement
* any positive experiences you've had
* any negative experiences you've had
* what you look forward to in the coming weeks
* how your learning style could be an asset to you in this career
* a picture or visual


marquez said...

The two problems that I have are being on time and being prepared. For some reason I can never be on time im either late or I just don't show up. This means that I miss what ever the teacher talked about for that day. Another problem I have is being prepare. Its like I just dont carry books, pens. or paper. I always just get it from other people. This makes it harder for me to be able to understand the material because if nobody can let me borrow anything then I cant take notes. I plan on trying to be on time and have my materials so that I can be able to learn what they are talking about.

marquez said...

The fie things that I xould work on to take better notes are. Be prepared, stay on task, be on time, if I dont understand something then ask the teacher for help, and review my noes from the previous class.

marquez said...

Things that i can do to avoid procrastinating is try to motivate myself to do what has to be done. Also if I have questions ask my teacher, make sure I have my materials, dont be lazy, and try to stay positav

TButts said...

I have a problem keeping my mind on the subject that im writing. Keep a positive mind, and stay on top my game. I need to come to class on time and pay more attention.

TButts said...

I have a problem stayin in the mood to write about the same subject. I have to stay on task and be on time everyday. If i stay focused on one subject i will do a good job on a paper.

QualettaSmith said...

the things that i feel that i need to work on is to be on time and to stay more focused and when i start something to complete it and not get side tracked

Canesha Mathis said...

I think that the my problem is being on time and having to rush but other than that i get my job done and take notes well