Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Topic Twelve: Thanking Those That Helped You

Topic Twelve: Thanking Those That Helped You

As you're coming closer to completing your internship, it is important to show your appreciation to the people who helped you find success in this course and this term at Classic City PLC. Every community member who took their time to help you deserves a thanks and token of your appreciation. This would include your internship supervisor(s), mentors, parents, etc. Please complete the tasks below to help make sure that the folks who help us will want to continue helping our students and staff in the future.

Task 1: Thank You Letter for Internship Supervisor
a) Click here to open a thank you letter template for your internship supervisor. Fill in the appropriate information and write thoughtful paragraphs that address the information needed for each paragraph. As you go be sure to modify or remove any information from the template that should not be on the final draft. Be sure to use proper spelling and grammar in your letter.

b) Copy and paste your thank you letter onto a Microsoft Word document and save it in your My Documents folder. Place a copy in your advisor's drop box.

c) Edit your thank you letter with your advisor before printing your letter.

d) After editing, print your letter and pick up an envelope from your adviser. Address your envelope.

e) Stuff and seal the envelope. When it's ready to go, give it to your advisor to mail.

Task 2: PLC Spring Cookout Invitations
Create invitations for the guests you would like to attend the PLC's annual Spring Cookout, and present your guests (people who assisted you this term (service learning supervisor(s), mentors, parents, etc) with the invitations. You may choose to make a paper invitation or create an evite. Be creative and have fun while meeting the criteria below.

Each invitation needs to contain the following elements:

  • Event Title: PLC Spring Cookout Celebration
  • Host Name: Classic City PLC
  • Telephone: (706) 353-2323
  • Location Name: Classic City PLC
  • Address: 240 Mitchell Bridge Road • Athens, GA 30606
  • Date: Thursday April 29th 
  • Start Time: 4:00 p.m.
  • Message: Create a personal message that explains that the cookout is a celebration for all people associated with the success of the PLC and its programs this year and that you hope they can attend to help us celebrate.
At a minimum you should create at least two paper invitations, or send out at least two evites. One of those two needs to be your service learning supervisor. Show your advisor when you have completed this task so they can write down the names of the people you invited and award your points for completing this activity.

Please make sure that you actually present or email your invitations within the next week so that your guests have enough time to arrange for it in their schedule.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Topic Nine: Attitudes

Attitude is defined as 1) a bodily posture showing mood, action, etc. 2) a manner showing one's feelings or thoughts and 3) one's disposition, opinion, etc. As individuals, we have a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain thing (idea, object, person, situation). Our attitudes encompass, or is closely related to , our opinions and beliefs and are based upon our experiences. Interactions with family, friends, peers, as well as individuals in the workplace require us to regularly examine our attitudes. You may have heard the expression "check your attitude".

Task One: Reading

Click on "Attitudes" and read the poem by Charles Swindoll.

Task Two: Blog Post

1. Take a few minutes to reflect and examine your attitude. Write a paragraph giving an accurate assessment of your attitude. Do you normally react positively or negatively to the situations in your life? Give specific examples.

2. Write a paragraph about the attitude you regular display at your service learning placement or on a job that you currently have. Is that an area you could show some improvement in over the next weeks? Give specific examples.

3. Write a paragraph expressing how the attitudes of others in your life have influenced you.

Task Three:

I. Write a two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal:

  • Does your personality type you discovered today in the survey agree with the type of work you are doing in your internship/service learning?
  • Knowing your personality, do you think you will have any challenges in the career you want to pursue?
  • Discuss any positive experiences you've had in the last week.
  • Discuss any negative experiences you've had in the last week.
  • What do you look forward to in the coming weeks?
  • A picture or visual that relates to your service learning.


Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?

Dennis and Wendy Mannering

Monday, February 4, 2008

Topic 11: Cell Phone Etiquette

Cell Phone Etiquette

Cell phones are marvelous inventions. Many people probably wonder what we ever did without them? They are a daily part of our life at home, at school, and in the work place. Still, they can be a distraction, a hazard when driving, or a rude interuption in the middle of a church service... So, when is it appropriate or inappropriate to use a cell phone? The activity this week will answer these questions and more as we learn about cell phone etiquette.

Task #1 We are going to begin by taking a quick survey. Click here to take a short quiz on cell phone etiquette. At the end of the quiz click on "see results." Well, how did you do? Post a short blog telling about your results.

Task #2 Ok, now let's see what the experts recommend. This activity will be conducted as a class discussion. Here are some rules for cell phone use.

Task #3 As always, write in your journal about your experience and/or thoughts at your service learning site last week. This week you may want to comment on your supervisor. Does she or he give instructions clearly? Is your supervisor willing to listen and answer your questions. What other qualities in your supervisor do you want to have if, some day, you are a supervisor?